design of energy efficient multicast routing protocol for manets


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:2         Issue:3         Year: 08 April,2014         Pages:164-175

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is an autonomous network which has multi-hop light weighted nodes with dynamic structure. MANET uses a Multicast communication that is suitable for an intrinsic broadcast capability with a shared-tree architecture that maintains a group membership, where the group includes a group leader and group member. Existing methodology have more complexities like link breakage, energy loss due to low battery and bandwidth loss. Here, we propose a new mechanism to reduce all the above stated disadvantages by using a novel multicast routing protocol which is energy efficient and has lesser control overhead. This technique is suitable for MANET. A Shared Multicast tree is constructed for multicast nodes which reduces the overhead of the network. The routes are discovered in the MANET by locating the physical location of nodes that are presented in the network using which the route searching and energy consumptions are reduced. Apart from this technique, we also introduce a new Zone topology concept to differentiate the nodes which has minimum and maximum hops. In order to overcome link failure in MANET, a back-up node is maintained near the source node which contains all the details of the source node. In the event of failure of source node, backup node sends the failure information to all nodes in the network. The network nodes are monitored in certain time interval to reduce the link failures that happen due to loss of energy in nodes, a node that has a lower energy will consume the energy i.e. it share its energy with its neighbor node instead of making a sub-path and the data are sent in an compressed form from a source to destination reduce the time in reaching its destination.


Mobile ad-hoc networks, multicast communication, Zone topology, shared trees


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