defending against web application attacks

B.Arunmozhi M.E,,Navaneetha Priya R

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 02 May,2021         Pages:1629-1636

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


The number of the maximum dangerous net assaults, including move-site Scripting and sq. injection, exploit vulnerabilities in internet programs which could accept and procedure records of unsure origin with out right validation or filtering, allowing the injection and execution of dynamic or domain-precise language code. these assaults had been constantly topping the lists of diverse security bulletin carriers in spite of the sever a counter measures that have been proposed over the past 15 years. on this paper, we provide an evaluation on numerous defense mechanisms in opposition to internet code injection assaults. We endorse a model that highlights the important thing weaknesses allowing those assaults, and that provides a not unusual angle for reading the available defenses. We then categorize and analyze a hard and fast of forty one formerly proposed defenses primarily based on their accuracy, overall performance, deployment, safety, and availability characteristics. Detection accuracy is of precise importance, as our findings display that many protection mechanisms were examined in a terrible manner. similarly, we have a look at that some mechanisms can be bypassed by using attackers with information of how the mechanisms work. finally, we discuss the outcomes of our evaluation, with emphasis on elements that could avert the great adoption of defenses in practice.


Defense mechanisms, Detection, Web attacks


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