data leakage prevention system by context based keyword matching and encrypted data detection

Soumya S R,Smitha E S

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:3         Issue:1         Year: 26 June,2014         Pages:375-384

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Data Leakage is an important concern for the business organizations in this increasingly networked world days. Unauthorized disclosure may have serious consequences for an organization in both long term and short term. Data leakage is enhanced by the fact that transmitted data (both inbound and outbound), including emails, instant messaging, website forms, and file transfers among others, are largely unregulated and un monitored on their way to their destinations. The objective of this paper is to enhance the security of Data Leakage Prevention(DLP) system by finding documents containing confidential information even when most of the document consists of non-confidential content by context based keyword matching method and finding encrypted information in word documents by using Entropy method. The combined approach will help to enhance the security of the DLP system efficiently by detecting sensitive through text document or word document that contain encrypted information.


Data Leakage Prevention, Context, cluster graph, Entropy method.


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