corporate case governance in secure triple des data changes and multi hand administration

Bhavani.M ,M.C.Babu

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications

ISSN: 2320-7248          Impact Factor:1.8         Volume:2         Issue:2         Year: 15 April,2015         Pages:149-158

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications


Corporate case governance plays a key role as a management technology for end – to – end, IP-nized networks and telecommunication networks. Policies are rules governing the choices in behaviour of a system. They are often used as a means of implementing flexible and adaptive systems for management of internet services, distributed systems, and security systems. In this paper the modification or change in a Case based on user administration, the Chief vigilance commissioner, vigilance commissioner, secretary (Home Minister) are the members who are involved in a case. Based on the privilege, those peoples are formed under the group of society. Multiple works is handled in a society. Any modification is done based on users in a administration. Here the First user in this society, changes the case in a file .A private key is generated over the case due to the modification done in a file. After modification, user send an email to another user in the administration and public key is generated. Second user having private key already in a file and he accepts the changes over first user means cases both public and private keys are combined. Finally, modification done in a file.


Private key, public key , CBI key and encrypting the data storage


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