Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:5 Issue:3 Year: 22 March,2015 Pages:384-390
A wireless sensor network (WSNs) consists of many sensor nodes and these networks are deployed in different applications for monitoring environmental conditions. These sensor nodes are limited energy which limit the lifetime of a sensor network. In WSN’s nodes are densely located, so there is duplication of data as multiple nodes sensing same event. Such duplication of data is responsible for wastage of node energy. Since energy saving is one of the important issues. So, data aggregation, data fusion should be used for saving energy. Data aggregation is effective method. It eliminate redundancy and to minimize the number of transmission. In this paper we present an efficient, trivial data aggregation strategy based on tree & cluster formation which eliminates such data duplication and improves node energy, efficiency & provides the best aggregation quality when compared to other existing systems, regarding scalability, communication cost, delivery efficiency, aggregation rate and aggregated data delivery rate. These node structures are then used to route packets to sink in an efficient manner. This helps in building efficient wireless sensor network.
Data Aggregation, Information Fusion, In- Network Aggregation, Routing Protocol, Routing Tree.
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