Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:6 Issue:3 Year: 01 May,2021 Pages:1621-1628
While Location Based Services (LBS) can make our lives more comfortable and productive, it may cause an invasion of privacy by disclosure and commercial use of location information. Nowadays, location-based services are widely utilized, including identifying user locations. In our project we proposed location-based services. Here we are going to solve the particular areas problems like water problem, electricity problem and sewage problems in a particular area. Once we are going to file complaints in this website that’s will be moved on to particular department. Then they will view our complaints after that they will response our complaints. Once the problem will solve that information send to the user. here we also add the file upload part for the user. Here the data gets encrypted and stored. If the dept want users file they should give the request to the kdc . kdc will response for the admin dept.
Service-oriented architecture; Quality of Service; multivariate time series
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