comparison of convolutional and trellis coded ofdm for satellite channels

Anushruti Jaiswal,Bhavna Vyas,A.Karthikeyan

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ISSN: 2321-4775          Impact Factor:1.6         Volume:1         Issue:1         Year: 08 June,2013         Pages:1-5

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies. The data is divided into several parallel orthogonal sub-carriers. Each orthogonal sub- carrier signals are used to carry data and is modulated with a conventional modulation scheme (such as quadrature amplitude modulation or phase-shift keying) at a low symbol rate. In this paper, Convolutional and Trellis Coded Modulation is considered with OFDM for a Rician fading channel according to the specifications given by the Iridium system. Bit error rate (BER) performance is analyzed for both the coding techniques with different modulation schemes for L and Ka bands. Trellis coded OFDM gives the better performance compared to convolutional coded (CC) OFDM systems. Peak to average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmitted message is reduced by using partial transmit sequence technique (PTS).


OFDM, PAPR, Convolutional & Trellis coding, PTS, satellite channel, Rician channel, Hard Viterbi Decoding


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