Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Business Management and Administration
ISSN: 2348 -2354 Impact Factor:1.48 Volume:1 Issue:1 Year: 25 October,2014 Pages:154-159
In the present scenario we are seeing that many brands are doing very well with the help of technology and marketing strategy and many are performing with the help of some other dimensions like quality, Packaging and many more. With the advent of globalization the preferences of consumers are going high and on the basis of different taste and preferences the market player are also launching some new innovative products. So, through this research article we are trying to show some factors that involve Physical, Psychological, Informative and Economic variables. We can say that products are created in the factory but brands are created in the mind. I think some bases are very important to increase the credibility of brand into consumer’s mind. Here we are also giving a spotlight on some communication mix which is also helpful to build strong brands like Google, Coca- Cola, IBM, Apple and many more. The world has come online and there are many new markets and a growing middle class in places like India, China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Nigeria, Indonesia and in many more places. These consumers buy brands. They buy premium brands. The best branding today is based on a strong idea. The best brands have remarkable creativity in advertising to help them break through people’s wall of indifference to create brand heat and product lust. Brands provide a strong competitive advantage to the companies owning them and hence they are increasingly becoming important tradable assets. Brands play an important role in improving and maintaining product quality. In fact brand is a seal of consistency and reliability of quality. Brand also helps in better dissemination of product knowledge which can contribute to scientific and rational decision making. A strong brand position is one of the most important elements of success in today`s and tomorrow`s competitive environment.
Brand, Marketing, Customer expectation
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