Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:6 Issue:3 Year: 09 April,2021 Pages:1581-1588
We proposed new technique GPS based managing blood bank using android application. In this project we develop two android applications and one intermediate server. First application for blood requester, another for blood donor, server contain previous donor database. Blood requester can send query to server for specific blood via GCM (Google Cloud Messaging), Server process query and send notification to specific person whose data satisfied for specific query. Application send GPS (Global Position System) co-ordinate’s and contact no to sender, only if blood donor accept to that notification. Else nothing sends because in this paper we proposed privacy concept, so cannot get or access donor information without our permission
Global Positioning System, GCM- Google Cloud Messaging
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