big data memory management using in-memory database

M.Divya Bharathi,T.Gowtham Karthick,T.Kumaresan

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 30 March,2016         Pages:551-557

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Growing main memory capacity has fuelled the development of in-memory big data management and processing. By eliminating disk I/O bottleneck, it is now possible to support interactive data analytics. However, in-memory systems are much more sensitive to other sources of overhead that do not matter in traditional I/O-bounded disk-based systems. Some issues such as fault-tolerance and consistency are also more challenging to handle in in-memory environment. We are witnessing a revolution in the design of database systems that exploits main memory as its data storage layer. Many of these researches have focused along several dimensions: modern CPU and memory hierarchy utilization, time/space efficiency, parallelism, and concurrency control. In this survey, we aim to provide a thorough review of a wide range of in-memory data management and processing proposals and systems, including both data storage systems and data processing frameworks. We also give a comprehensive presentation of important technology in memory management, and some key factors that need to be considered in order to achieve efficient in-memory data management and processing.


Primary memory, DRAM, relational databases, distributed databases, query processing


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