balancing work load of a cloud and dynamic request redirection for cloud based video services using cdn and data centre

M.Calvin joe,D.R.Arun kumar,P.Balamurugan

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 30 March,2016         Pages:609-614

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


A Cloud computing provides a new opportunity for Video Service Providers (VSP) to running compute-intensive video applications in a cost effective manner. Under this paradigm, a VSP may rent virtual machines (VMs) from multiple geo-distributed datacenters that are close to video requestors to run their services. As user demands are difficult to predict and the prices of the VMs vary in different time and region, optimizing the number of VMs of each type rented from datacenters located in different regions in a given time frame becomes essential to achieve cost effectiveness for VSPs. Meanwhile, it is equally important to guarantee users Quality of Experience (QoE) with rented VMs. we give a systematic method called Dynamical Request Redirection and Resource Provisioning (DYRECEIVE) to address this problem.


Cloud computing, Cloud-based Video Service, Request Redirection, Resource Provision,.


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