automatic safety system for accident prevention using microcontroller


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering and Development

ISSN: 2347 -7210          Impact Factor:1.9         Volume:3         Issue:1         Year: 05 July,2016         Pages:111-113

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering and Development


Present Automobiles are being developed by more of electronic parts for efficient operation. Generally a vehicle was built with an analog driver-vehicle interface for indicating various vehicle status like speed, fuel level, Engine temperature etc. This project focuses on constructing a device that specializes in detecting intrusions and controlling the accidents due to glaring effect of headlight, fire accidents due to gas leakage is indicated by digital interface. Automobile safety can be enhanced by providing warnings through buzzer. The project’s ultimate aim thus finalized as, one to build a general, easy-to-use and versatile system that can prevent fatal and night accidents.


Glaring effect, gas leakage, backside accidents, automotive system.


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