automatic detection of retinal hemorrhage based on gabor wavelet and hybrid knnsvm algorithm for fundus images

Karunya Karo Shanthi Y,Karpagam V

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:2         Issue:1         Year: 08 February,2014         Pages:50-57

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Retinal hemorrhage is the abnormal bleeding of the blood vessels in the retina, the membrane in the back of the eye. In retinal image, automated detection of hemorrhage is a major challenging factor. For automated detection of hemorrhage, a generalized framework is need to train a classifiers with optimal features learned from available dataset. Because of the variability in appearance of these lesions(i.e., hemorrhages), different techniques had been designed to detect each type of these lesions(i.e., hemorrhages) separately in detection system. We need a generalized framework to detect these types of lesions in fundus (i.e., retinal) image. A robust and computationally efficient approach for hemorrhage detection in a fundus retinal image is presented in this paper. Splat feature classification method is proposed with application to retinal hemorrhage detection in fundus images. Automated screening system is very much important to detect a retinal hemorrhages. Based on the supervised approach, fundus images are partitioned into non overlapping segments covering the entire image. Each splat contains a similar color and spatial location. A set of features is extracted from each splat using the GLCM & Gabor Wavelet. These features’ describes a characteristic relative to each pixel in a splat. Supervised classification predicts the likelihood of splats being hemorrhages with the optimal features subset selected in a two-step feature selection process. Preliminary feature selection is done by filter approach followed by a wrapper approach. Hybrid KNNSVM classifier is trained with expert annotation. From the resulting hemorrhageness map, a hemorrhage index is assigned. A classifier could evaluate on the publically available dataset. This work will provide a greater AUC in splat level and image level. Our approaches can potential to be applied to other detection tasks.


Diabetic retinopathy (DR), fundus images, retinal hemorrhage, KNN, Hybrid KNNSVM, Support Vector Machine, Gabor Wavelet.


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