auditory and tactile information perception

Franklin Jessie Theresa,Aswathy Sunil,Deepika Ashok ,Devi.R

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 31 March,2017         Pages:1320-1333

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


The proposed arrangement is an interactive system which aids blind and visually impaired people by conveying visual information via auditory and tactile methods. Users can traverse a two dimensional layout displayed on a touch screen, using their fingers while simultaneously receiving auditory instructions. The primary source of notification used here is sound which is also used for object localization, identification and shape. On the other hand, touch is used for kinesthetic feedback and pointing. In addition to the proposed theories, raised dot tactile patterns can be included to the system. For other features, the head related transfer function is used for sound directionality, sound intensity and for rendering proximity. The main objective is to dispatch the objects shape but it becomes more complex with scenery. So, each of the components is given a distinct tapping sound – “virtual cane”. The concluded project validates that the raised dot patterns show the best static shape rendition, while spatial sound is used for dynamic display. The proposed configurations outperform the ones in practice. It is also expected to be incorporated into other applications where visual perception is not possible.


Sensory substitution, kinesthetic feedback, audio- tactile representation, spatial sound


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