android based speech recognition

Sonali Thite,Archana Gore,Sagar Yelmar,Yogesh Lonkar

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications

ISSN: 2320-7248          Impact Factor:1.8         Volume:2         Issue:1         Year: 09 April,2015         Pages:125-133

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications


Every day a Smartphone user may look for a new application dedicated for his need. Android makes it easier for consumers to get and use new content and applications on their Smart phones. This paper presents an extremely on-demand, fast and user friendly Android Application voice recognition. Voice recognition is an alternative to typing on a keyboard. Put simply, you talk to the mobile and your words appear on the screen. For the past several decades, designers have processed speech for a wide variety of applications ranging from mobile communications to automatic reading machines. However, with modern processes, algorithms, and methods we can process speech signals easily and recognize the text. The software has been developed to provide a fast method of writing on mobile and can help people with a variety of disabilities. It is useful for people with physical disabilities who often find typing difficult, painful or impossible. Voice-recognition software can also help those with spelling difficulties, including users with dyslexia, because recognized words are almost always correctly spelled. This paper is about to develop an on-line speech-to-text engine. The recognized text can be stored in a file. We are developing this on android platform using eclipse workbench. Our speech-to-text system directly acquires and converts speech to text. A speech-to-text system can also improve system accessibility by providing data entry options for blind, deaf, or physically handicapped users. Voice SMS is an application developed in this work that allows a user to record and convert spoken messages into SMS text message. User can send messages to the entered phone number. Speech recognition is done via the Internet.


Android, DVM, Speech Recognition, Short Message Service (SMS), Neutral Network.


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