analytical approach for intelligent vision system using image processing

Murugamani,S. Saravanakumar

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:3         Issue:1         Year: 31 July,2014         Pages:375-382

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


The vision-based automated needle wear monitoring systems are very important and efficient for unmanned surgical systems. This research is to use the needle vision inspection technique to automate the surgical monitoring of needles. A new method based on computer vision using image processing technique is proposed to estimate the wear and tear of surgical needles in order to identify the time for their replacement. This is possible by using a supervised approach, such that the replacement of needle is carried out before the wear reaches the highest level thereby causing harm. The perimeter of the wear region was described by means of a shape signature, which was normalized and resized to a set of values. These vectors have been classified using SNNalgorithm. This algorithm focuses on the appropriate estimation technique in order to replace the surgical needle based on its thickness and depth


vision, image processing, surgical needles, replacement, SNN algorithm


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