analysis of video streaming over mobile wireless network


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:3         Issue:3         Year: 18 September,2014         Pages:375-381

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Streaming media presents the professional communicator with a whole new way to deliver information, messages, and entertainment. By leveraging the Internet, distribution costs can be much lower than the traditional media. As third generation wireless networks are rolled out, it becomes feasible to view video from mobile appliances. This paper analyzes the quality of the streaming MPEG - 4 video over a mobile wireless network using an integrated tool environment, which comprises a network simulator, a video quality streaming tools which is Evolved. Through this work I establish guidelines for the transmission of video based on the mobile and wireless networks and leads to a conclusion of that is the link bandwidth must be greater than the video Streaming rate to viewing a good quality streamed video by the end user.


Spatial, Temporal, Perceptual, Statistical


David Austerberry for “The Technology of Video and Audio Streaming”  Vasos Vassiliou, Pavlos Antoniou, Iraklis Giannakou, and Andreas Pitsillides on “Requirements for the Transmission of Streaming Video in Mobile Wireless Networks”  Jirka Klaue, Berthold Rathke, and Adam Wolisz on “EvalVid - A Framework for Video Transmission and Quality Evaluation”  Svilen Ivanov, Andr´e Herms, and Georg Lukas “Experimental Validation of the ns-2 Wireless Model using Simulation, Emulation, and Real Network”  Jeffery G. Andrews, Arunabha Ghoshand Rias Mohammad “Fundamental Of WiMax”    