analysis of thermoelectric battery charger

K.Kharthikeyan,V. Sivakami

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ISSN: 2321-4775          Impact Factor:1.6         Volume:1         Issue:3         Year: 08 February,2014         Pages:78-85

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Thermoelectric generator is a device which converts thermal energy into electrical energy. It is an alternative green technology when compared to other power generating sources, which does not need any external electrical input supply for its operation. This work focuses on two folds. Initially mathematical modelling is proved with MATLAB simulations incorporate developed thermoelectric module and finally the hardware description had been analysed, were heat is given as input to the thermoelectric module; it produces a Direct Current as output voltage. The output is given to a Boost converter, which is used for charging a battery. The novelty insists on voltage generation without an external input source


Thermoelectric generator, alternative green technology, boost converter and battery charger without external input supply.


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