Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:6 Issue:3 Year: 27 March,2017 Pages:1293-1302
I propose a novel path failure detection method referred to as feedback-based path failure (FPF) detection. In addition, I propose a new decision method called buffer blocking protection (BBP) to address the underperforming subflows for the MPTCP. Measurement results indicate that the FPF detection reduces transmission interruption time by the fast path failure decision, which can prevent duplicate transmission interruption events and unnecessary retransmissions. Furthermore, the FPF detection is sufficiently robust in terms of packet loss and the delay difference between paths. The results additionally show that the BBP method prevents goodput degradation due to underperforming subflows. Consequently, the MPTCP with the BBP method can at least achieve the throughput performance of a single Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which uses the best path regardless of the delay difference between paths.
buffer blocking protection, feedback-based path failure, MPTCP .
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