an authoritative intrusion detection system for manets using dsab

Uma Maheswari P,Jeyananthini N,Kalaivani K,Vidya S

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:2         Issue:3         Year: 08 April,2014         Pages:255-262

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


The movement from wired network to wireless network has been a trend in the past few years. Comparing to other wireless networks MANET is important one. MANET Contains the collection of mobile nodes or computers with a wireless transmitter and receiver that communicate with each other. MANET is a self-configurable and has automatic IP configuration features with several independent nodes. Due to this MANETS are used in applications like military and in natural disasters. Security measures play an important role in all these applications .Hence it is necessary to include intrusion- detection system for MANETs. The existing techniques in finding the malicious nodes in the presence of false misbehave report using the three parts of EAACK schemes namely ACK, S-ACK, MRA. These are all acknowledgement based schemes. The cryptography used in this schemes are DSA and RSA for authentication process. Due to the network overhead caused by the DSA and RSA we propose a cryptography algorithm called DSAB. It takes less no of bits for the encryption and verification process.




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