an approach towards automation in human machine interaction through emotions using brain wave sensor by eeg

Dhaval,Akar Jain,Prakash Narayan,Shantanu Shobhit

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Robotics and Development

ISSN: 2348-2338          Impact Factor:1.678         Volume:1         Issue:1         Year: 20 December,2016         Pages:24-28

International Journal of Advanced Research in Robotics and Development


This project presents brain controlled applications based on Brain–computer interface (BCI). BCI is becoming increasingly studied as the way users interact with computers because recent technological developments have led to low priced, high precision BCI devices. These systems that can bypass conventional channels of communication (i.e., muscles and thoughts) between human brain and physical devices, to provide direct communication and control, by translating different patterns of brain activity into commands in real time


Brain Computer Interface(BCI), Neurons, brain wave sensor, EEG.


D. Wijayasekara, M. Manic, Human Machine Interaction via Brain Activity