Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications
ISSN: 2320-7248 Impact Factor:1.8 Volume:3 Issue:1 Year: 26 December,2014 Pages:116-129
In recent years, the rapid growth and popularity of cloud computing with the knowledge to achieve this research has led to a large amount of publications. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of cloud computing research and high relevance, it approaches the overall construction and development in this field without understanding becomes increasingly difficult or even impossible. When the assessment is a long tradition in many fields of science, in the area of cloud computing, we identified the lack of a comprehensive scientometric analysis. Based on a large bibliographic database, a view from above the clouds, this study empirically study the state of evolution and scientometric methods applicable to cloud computing research. Thus, we output formats, research productivity, and research impact and provide detailed insights. Furthermore, we explain the main clusters by analyzing the relevant sub-topics to explore. The results of this study, research-driven knowledge sharing and collaboration in the area of research into cloud computing in terms of patterns, trends and other key factors to provide a better understanding of sharing knowledge and collaborating in the area of cloud computing research. Participants in security issues also have to benefit from some advantages of Cloud Computing. It focuses on many advantages, like network performance management and other threat response, the timeline of improvisation, intelligent scaling of collecting evidence and differentiation of market resources audit, management and the sequence of the violation of security including better risk level, security of this concentration of resources, information is centralized and updates despite production problems and hair loss , incident response, password control tests, safety, building security software. This research explained some of the benefits of Cloud Computing, including the state of security and the best evidence.
Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Cloud Privacy Issues, Cloud Computing in India.
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