Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:6 Issue:3 Year: 24 October,2017 Pages:1377-1386
Cloud Computing provides customers the illusions of infinite computing resources which are available from anywhere, anytime, on-demand. Computing at such an immense scale requires a framework that can support to the large datasets. Cloud Computing has been created for conveying data innovation administrations also for individuals clients. Cloud Computing is widely used to deliver services over the internet for both technical and economical reasons. Increased the complexity of the infrastructures behind these services. To properly operate and manage such complex infrastructures effective and efficient monitoring is constantly needed. The properties of cloud and its features, technologies (eg. Virtualization). And then analysing motivations for cloud monitoring, providing also definitions and background for the following contributions. In this paper we provide a survey on cloud monitoring.
Cloud monitoring, Cloud monitoring platforms.
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