advanced student performance enhancement system

M.Gouthaman,A.Mohammed Noorullah,P.Kalaiarasi

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 01 April,2016         Pages:775-780

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


The existing system only monitors the students mark and especially the academic part of the student . This system cannot completely assess a students strength as non-academic event plays important role in a students talent. The proposed system evaluates both academic and non academic sides of the student thus projecting a complete view of his talents. This model not just evaluates students but based on the class growth, the staffs efficiency to handle and develop the class is calculated. The system gets the input feed from the faculties using an interface, that is marks and points for non-academic events. The input values are stored in a database. These values are used to calculate the performance and growth of the student. The growth rate of class on a particular subject can also be used to assess the facultys efficiency in handling the class. There are wide use of these data and can be used in lot more useful ways.The backend of the proposed system is implemented using hadoop which makes the database much scalable. This helps the institution to store the students details who are currently pursuing in the institution and also the details of the passed out students are retained. As the database is scalable no matter how many years the institutions runs, all its details are kept forever. Usage of hadoop on processing the query makes it much faster and reliable. This avoids often crashing.


map, reduce, data processing,


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