a variety of cdn formations without disturbance of contents failures

Aravindha ramanan.S,S.Venkatesan

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:5         Issue:1         Year: 25 March,2015         Pages:391-399

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


A CDN form networks by replicating contents and requesting from server availability. This paper introduces how content is delivered among networks without the disturbance of network traffic. This paper protects the contents stored in common websites from direct replicates by servers. these contents from servers are not dependent on storage and memory spaces. The existing system aims to contents in loading the content without time scheduler to decrease bandwidth. But the proposed system will give a solution in bringing of increase of time scheduler ,priority based request rate ,content with help of network of information securities. This formulation study protects every contents generated by every user’s evolution. In future ,they can maintain a database for content duplication ,content tracked from obtained path in CDN .This will improve the uploading ,downloading rates ,performance of the system and saves the web data’s stored.


Content Delivery Networks, File Mirroring, Turbo-boost, Load Balancer, Server availability, Perforce Server, Object TCL, Network Traffic, General Purp


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