Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:3 Issue:1 Year: 13 August,2014 Pages:375-385
As the data on the web is continuously increasing day by day so, web mining become necessary to draw an inference from the huge data available on web. In web mining non trivial pattern and useful information are retrieved from the web data. Web mining consists of three types namely Web usage mining, Web content mining and Web structure mining.Today, they are several billions of HTML documents, pictures and another multimedia files available on the Internet. There is a need of methods to help us extract information from the content of web pages. One answer to this problem is using the data mining techniques that is known as web content mining, which is defined as “the process of extracting useful information from the text, images and other forms of content that make up the pages”. Web mining implies the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge from Web content, structure, and usage - is the collection of technologies to fulfill this potential. Interest in Web mining has grown rapidly in its short existence, both in the research and practitioner communities. This paper provides a brief overview of web mining and various content mining tools and the accomplishments of the field - both in terms of technologies and applications.
Web mining, Web content mining,Types of web mining, Content mining tools,.
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