a superior entrenching for revocable watermarking

M.Pavithra ,S.Usharani

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 19 March,2016         Pages:433-441

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


The entire data of an uncompressed object by a stream cipher, the additional data can be embedded into the object by modifying a small proportion of encrypted data. With an encrypted object containing additional data, one may first decrypt it using the private key, and the decrypted version is similar to the original object. Using of steganography method in cryptography have been made in this paper to expand the level of security and to make the framework more mind boggling to be crushed by assailants. It introduces a system for figuring and concealing data into a front of sound wave document. In the initial step, the content is changed over to its comparable ASCII code. Content is mixed utilizing SHA512, RC4 strategy as indicated by mystery key then the figure content is installed inside a spread sound wave record utilizing time and recurrence area. The displayed framework assembles of a mystery key steganographic framework, which implants certain content in the wake of scrambling into irregular positions inside sound wave record and the other system utilized as a part of this paper to investigate the spread sound into its recurrence segments is wavelet change utilizing audio channel as a premise capacity.


Steganography, Text Hiding in Image and Audio, String Transformation


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