Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:5 Issue:3 Year: 22 March,2015 Pages:384-389
Internet has become a non-detachable part of human beings throughout the world. Using the internet we can obtain different types of information as well as we can do any other lots of daily task easily such as shopping. We can get the exact detail related to the products which we are going to purchase online. But sometimes happens that due to some issues maximum of the time user does not purchase any product using our online site . So to improve the business e-commercial companies are required to keep the total detail related to the website. So using the Hadoop and MongoDB we can obtain the required details of our website within a less amount of time. Hadoop provides the map-reduce which is the most commonly used context in parallel processing. This paper proposes the new methodology to improve the business of e-commercial companies by keeping all the relevant information related to their website using the MongoDB and Hadoop and obtain the final aggregated result which helps to take the decisions to improve their business.
Hadoop , MongoDB, Map-Reduce , Sharding ,Data Aggregation
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