a new identity based scheme that provide secured cloud server


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 01 April,2016         Pages:851-858

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


The main aim of the project is to provide utility to maintain day to day operations of cloud computing security. This project help them to store files in cloud and revoke them in a secure manner. Cloud Computing security is the major concept of cloud server. Files are stored in a cloud with encryption. The existing system based on identity based encryption with decryption. To propose the system for identity based encryption with outsourced revocation in cloud computing. Identity based Encryption means with use of some identity value to store and retrieve files from the cloud server. This system fully focus on the encryption with outsourced revocation. User can get the service from the service provider after that can upload the files to the corresponding cloud server. PKG (Private Key Generator) is the process to generate private key to the user and cloud server. Cloud server having KU-CSP (Key Update -Cloud Service Provider). PKG to send the outsource key to the CSP. CSP can provide the updated key to the user. When the file revocation process the private key and updated key to be combined and verify to the user after that the file can be downloaded from the cloud server. File Revocation is the process to outsource the data from one server to another server. When the revocation process the revocation request can be send to the server and after that the private key and updated key combine with matching and revocation the file. After the completion of file revocation it can be downloaded from the corresponding server. Key Update cloud service provider can update the key for the outsource the date to the user to cloud service provider. Before store the files into the server it can be verify, encrypt and re encrypt the file after that stored into cloud server.


Identity-based encryption, Revocation, Outsourcing, Cloud Computing.


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