a hardware based db prototype with privacy under regulatory compliance and constraints

D. Divya,R.Devika

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 27 May,2015         Pages:412-417

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Information sharing is that the key goal of Cloud Storage servers. It permits storage of sensitive and huge volume of information with restricted price and high access edges. Security should be in given due importance for the cloud information with utmost care to the info and confidence to the info owner. however this limits the employment of information through plain text search. thence a superb methodology is needed to match the keywords with encrypted cloud information. The projected approach similarity live of “coordinate matching” combined with “inner product similarity” quantitatively evaluates and matches all relevant information with search keyword to make best results.In this approach, every document is related to a binary vector to represent a keyword contained within the document. The search keyword is additionally delineated as a binary vector, therefore the similarity may be precisely measured by the dot product of the question vector with the info vector. The dot product computation and also the 2 multi-keyword hierarchic search over encrypted information (MRSE) schemes ensures information privacy and provides elaborate data concerning the dynamic operation on the info set and index and thence improves the search expertise of the user. projected system utilize the thought of Similarity confirmation Validation Technique within the individual pages when serial equal proportion page partition on the documents.


List architectures, retreat, Secrecy, Distinct-resolve Hardware.


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