Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:3 Issue:2 Year: 25 August,2014 Pages:375-384
This paper explains the eavesdropping harass over Wireless networks using VoIP, one of the confidentiality harass. It will clarify the difference between wired and wireless networks and it will explain the related issues to the wireless one using Voip. The flexibility and cost efficiency are the key factors luring enterprises to transition to VoIP. As VoIP technology matures and become increasingly popular so it also gains the attention of the attacker who attacks on the VoIP conversation and wishes to eardrop the conversation The illustration will start taking place from defining the eavesdropping, passing by posting the hardware devices and the software tools responsible of achieving that mission continuing thru mentioning the reasons that makes a Wireless network vulnerable and consequently the steps to follow in order to secure it and what is the work done by the Wireless equipment makers to enhance the protecting of their wireless; The paper will continue to specify the difference between legally and illegally eavesdropping.
VoIP, Wireless network, eavesdrop PSTN.
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