a block chain based management system for detecting counterfeit in the supply chain

Bondu vennela,Bondu vennela,Jeela Sindhu,Nuthalapati sevitha

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 24 April,2023         Pages:1759-1764

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


- In recent years, Counterfeit goods play a vital role in product manufacturing industries. This Phenomenon affects the sales and profit of the companies. To ensure the identification of real products throughout the supply chain, functional blockchain technology is used for preventing product counterfeiting. By using blockchain technology, consumers do not need to rely on trusted third parties to know the source of the purchased product safely. Any application that uses blockchain technology as a basic framework ensures that the data content is ‘tamper resistant’. Because a blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and digital ledger that stores transactional records known as blocks of the public in several databases known as chains across many networks. Therefore, any involved block cannot be changed in advance, without changing all subsequent blocks. In this paper, counterfeit products are detected using a barcode reader, where the barcode of the product is linked to a Block Chain Based Management (BCBM) system. So the proposed system may be used to store product details and the unique code of that product as blocks in the database. It collects the unique code from the customer and compares the code against entries in the blockchain database. If the code matches, it will give a notification to the customer, otherwise, it gets information from the customer about where they bought the product to detect counterfeit product manufacturers.


Keywords: counterfeit, supply chain, Blockchain, Ethereum, QR code.


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