3 juncture based issuer driven pull out system in distibuted servers

Kanimozhi.M,Siva sankari.A,Kanimozhi.K

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 08 May,2018         Pages:1395-1399

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Network level Security visualization is considered to be one of the foremost area where most of the exploration is going on in visualizing the network nature for the systems. There are many major procedures and technological jargons dominating the security related stuffs in the it industry. Ibm tivoli, spiceworks, xymon, intermapper are some of the major tools available in the market. Most of the tools picturize by monitoring certain items in the network/server. In our project, our focused areas include host/server monitoring, internal and external monitoring, port activity and attack patterns. Network tomography is an important area of network measurement, which deals with monitoring the health of various links in a network using end-to-end probes sent by agents located at vantage points in the network/internet.


Keywords—Relevance to network security, data processing, visual techniques, Satisfactoriness.


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