2d- cellular automata linear rules for cryptography based on pattern evolution

Wani Shah Jahan,Khan K. A,Peer M. A

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:2         Issue:3         Year: 08 April,2014         Pages:239-248

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


In the fast growing information and communication technology (ICT) challenge of data security is emerging out predominantly due to flow of vital data on the wired and wireless networks. Cryptosystems have been designed with various techniques of text encryption and decryption. Easy key encryptions have low level of attack immunity while as complex keys although more resistant to attacks have other drawbacks of occupying more memory space and low speed of encoding and decoding. Cryptosystems have been designed with the help of pseudo sequence generation property of cellular automata too and found relevant due to easy VLSI implementation. We have observed a large number of 2-dimensional cellular automata linear rules in odd groups having an ability to generate the original data in the forward iterations of applied rule. This property is having a versatile fitness for cryptographic applications. Since almost all additive CA linear rules have been found to have irreversible character both encryption and decryption of data are possible in forward direction with the difference of iterations only. The model we can call as Pattern Cryptography, like other CA based models provides easy VLSI implementation with elegant properties of compact size, high efficiency and high speed at low cost. Since all odd groups contain such rules to achieve the cryptographic objectives, although with varied complexity, an additional feature of varied complexity can be incorporated in its VLSI design implementation.


Cryptography, Cellular Automata, Ciphertext, Block cipher, Stream Cipher, Chaotic pattern.


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